The Kingfisher Police Department has investigated or responded to the following reports:
Read moreLight freezing rain fell on Kingfisher Thursday night, leaving glazed windshields and ice coated outdoor metal receptacles in its wake.
Read moreKingfisher County’s small grain crops are subject to a variety of fungal diseases due to damp, cool conditions, County Extension Director-Agricultural Agent Bryan Kennedy said Thursday.
Read moreThe United States Postal Service, like many, is adjusting part of its routine with multiple operational changes due to COVID-19.
Read moreWith 565 COVID-19 cases now confirmed in nearly two-thirds of the state’s 77 counties, many local residents question the wisdom of not instituting mandatory statewide shelter-in-place rules now.
Read moreWednesday marks the start of Child Abuse Awareness Month, but this year it may also prove to be the month where children across the nation are most defenseless.
Read moreKingfisher County commissioners Monday struck bids for oil and chip work on county roads.
Read moreIn a perfect world, Brandi Parker would be hitting the home stretch of training for her dream race.
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