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Have a news tip? Submit your tip online. Please note that a submission will not guarantee this item will be placed in the print or online edition of the newspaper.

Submit an engagement announcement online.

Submit a wedding announcement online. We publish wedding announcements and one photo at no charge if submitted within two weeks following the ceremony. A $35 fee is assessed for late submissions.

Submit a birth announcement online.

Submit an anniversary announcement online. We will publish up to two photos if you would like to include the couple's original wedding photo as well as a current photo. Please email the second photo to

Submit an obituary online. We charge nothing for an area death story and photo if you use this form and allow us to write the story according to our style. If you have an obituary already written that you would like printed exactly as submitted, we charge 20 cents per word, with the photo included at no additional cost.  Please submit paid obituaries and photos via email at and include a billing name and address.

We welcome letters to the editor online. Letters are published at the sole discretion of the newspaper staff in the order they are received. Letters must be 250 words or less.

Use the form below to submit an event to our calendar.