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KHS Seniors Walker, Barton are 2023-24 Athletes of the Year

May 12, 2024 - 00:00
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  • KHS Seniors Walker, Barton are 2023-24 Athletes of the Year
  • KHS Seniors Walker, Barton are 2023-24 Athletes of the Year

Kingfisher High School’s Peyton Walker was named the Female Athlete of the Year and Dallen Barton the Male Athlete of the Year last week. The presentations were made to the KHS seniors during an awards assembly Thursday at the APB by Athletic Director Jeremy Young (pictured left in both photos). Walker was a standout for both the cross country team and basketball teams and would have been a starter on the soccer team, but an injury kept her from playing this spring. Barton was the football team’s leading rusher and one of its top defensive players in the fall and was also an offensive and defensive standout this spring for the KHS baseball team. [ Photos by KHS Photography/ www. khsphotography. smugmug. com]