TWENTIETH REUNION — Kingfisher High School graduates of the Class of ’99 celebrated their 20-year class reunion with over 100 people in attendance. They had a Friday night social event
Read moreRetail bottled water supplies were depleted and area restaurant business disrupted in the wake of a city notice distributed Saturday afternoon warning of E. coli contamination in the Kingfisher water supply.
Read moreKingfisher County commissioners approved detour routes for two roads due to bridge damage (District 1) or work to repair flood damaged roads (District 2) at their weekly meeting Monday.
Read moreAfter recent Kingfisher flooding, several groups partnered to help bring relief to those whose houses sustained the most extensive damage.
Read moreKingfisher County’s wheat harvest got back in gear Monday. A weekend shower stopped cutting Sunday but the wheat began to roll in again on Monday and test weights remained surprisingly high despite the heavy rains the crop has endured.
Read moreHistoric flooding couldn’t keep Kingfisher from having another tremendous presence at the 80th annual Oklahoma American Legion Boys State.
Read moreJerry and Carolyn Humphries of Dover celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Sunday.
Read moreSUPPORTING WARRIORS — Brad Shepherd, retired Oklahoma Highway Patrol captain and executive director of Warrior’s Rest Foundation, presented a recent program at Kingfisher County Republican Women’s monthly luncheon. Warrior’s Rest
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