If I was a woman I’d be a radical feminist and darn tired of sick jokes like, “My wife ran off with my best friend and I miss him.” Or,
Read morePresident Donald Trump said Tuesday that Rep. Ilhan Omar should resign over anti-Semitic remarks the freshman lawmaker has made. “I think she should either resign from Congress, or she should
Read moreWhen Gianna Jessen had been in her mother’s womb for 29-and-a-half weeks and weighed less than 3 pounds, she was born despite a saline abortion. She has the medical records
Read moreWith a wet late summer and fall there is plenty of fuel for wild fires and we will have plenty of dry winds. Even with all the moisture we have
Read moreThe first four weeks of the legislative session is primarily devoted to the committee process. Once bills pass committee, they are eligible to be heard on the House floor and
Read moreA Kansas construction company will be the contractor for Hennessey’s new municipal swimming pool. Carrothers Construction Co. was given the nod Feb. 11 by the Hennessey board to take on
Read moreHennessey High School junior Kaden Mitchell, left, served as a Senate page for State Sen. Chuck Hall, R-Perry, during the second week of the legislative session from Feb. 11-14. Mitchell
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