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Myers ‘excited’ as season approaches

August 25, 2019 - 00:00
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Kingfisher High School football coach Jeff Myers, left, was the guest speaker of the Kingfisher Lions Club last Thursday. He said his team was in excellent physical condition and, so far, without any preseason injuries. He said this year’s team will feature offensive and defensive linemen who are much larger than last season. He added that although he has to replace several “very athletic” starters from last year’s team that reached the Class 3A semifinals, he and his staff of coaches were “very excited” about the potential of this year’s team. Myers is pictured with Josh Lippoldt, Kingfisher Lions Club president. The Jackets scrimmaged at Casady after press time on Friday night. They’ll scrimmage Thursday at Clinton and kickoff the season Sept. 6 at home against Class 4A’s defending state champion Tuttle.

[KT&FP Staff Photo]